Friday, 15 June 2012

So What Do I Eat?..

By Samuel Alexander-Stubbings

In our last post we mentioned how important it is to eat. Yet it leaves the question what to eat? Now it goes without saying fresh food is the best food, although just because it’s fresh doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good for you. That’s why here at Health & Organic Wellbeing we want to make sure you are able to find out what you need in order to maintain a healthy balanced diet.

One of the main things to remember when it comes to your meals is to avoid as much as possible saturated fats. These are the worst fats to intake because they are notorious for clogging arteries because the body doesn’t absorb them as well as other fats that are better for you and work with the body to provide energy.

Also another helpful tip to remember when watching your weight is now your GDA’s (Guideline Daily Allowance) now typically this is 2,000 calories per day for women and 2,500 calories a day for men. Common knowledge states that as long as your not eating over your daily-recommended amount the risk of becoming overweight is reduced in comparison to those who indulge and eat way of their GDA.

Breakfast is a must dishes like cereal, toast & yogurt are excellent ways to get that morning boost you need to tie you over until lunchtime. Cereal and toast are a good source of carbohydrate to provide you with energy to keep you going. As for yogurt it is a good source of protein without starting your day with too much saturated fat.

Dishes like salmon and potatoes are a good meal to have in the lunch hour along with many other fish dishes. This is a good way to top up your carbohydrate a protein intake until you’re able to start thinking about dinner. When it comes to dinner it’s wise to avoid heavy dosages of carbohydrate because that’s the kind of thing that can keep you feeling bloated and puffy.

Therefore meals that include chicken and vegetables or beef and steamed veg are the most favourable for dinnertime. This is because these particular types of meals have a lot of protein, which is good for your muscles and doesn’t just sit on your tummy. Also the reason we suggest steamed veg is because by steaming your vegetables your allowing all the minerals they posses to be locked in which can be lost through other methods of cooking. 

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