Your feelings are vital to your health. Without feeling good your daily routine becomes unmanageable and dreaded. Feeling unhealthy and sluggish are a common trait when you lack that feel-good factor in your life. Now all this is a no brainer, right? But what some people don't realise is that the negative effect of feeling bad and sluggish can be related to your diet.
One of the main ways to boost your personal confidence and happiness is by getting fighting-fit and healthy. Although this is much easier said than done, what tends to happen when people start to feel bad is they spiral. Therefore there is a significant change to your regular healthy routine that people find hard to break.
It's very common for people to seek unhealthy food and "treats" as a way to cheer themselves up. Yet this cheerfulness will always be temporary. The more someone seeks "comfort-food" the less comfortable they will feel, ironic huh? The lack of nutritious vitamins and minerals plays a key part on the way you feel on the inside and look on the outside.
Not only is your physical health effected but so can your mental health and this is no way to gain a happy fulfilled life. Therefore it is important to feel good on the inside so that it shows on the outside. So the minute your feeling down and out instead of reaching for that tub of ice-cream with the large spoon, whip yourself up a healthy nutritious meal instead.
It may not seem appealing at the time or a bit of an inconvenience when all you really want to do is curl up on the sofa with a big bag of goodies and drown your sorrows in a family size box of chocolates. But by breaking the spiral sooner and getting up off your butt and into the kitchen to whip yourself up a fresh home cooked meal will not only do your physical but your mental health the world of good.
So next time your not feeling yourself and all you want to do is crawl into bed and shut yourself off from the world, DON'T! Instead open your doors to the world get down to the local market buy yourself some fresh ingredients for a magnificent healthy meal.
Also don't forget to exercise, after a big session down the gym all your troubles will seem faded and your positive mind state will begin to blossom. It is a well known fact that exercise is great for boosting self confidence making you feel great on the inside and look good on the out.
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