Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Declutter Your Life!

by Arpita Pani

It is very important to understand the significance of our relationship with the environment that surrounds us as it directly affects our wellbeing. When you look at your relationship with different things, ask yourself if they promote joy, beauty and usefulness, or are they burdensome?

Life is about the energy exchange. Everything and everybody is vibrating at different frequencies. You get to choose the vibration you want to resonate with and how to manifest that choice through your actions. 

Clutter invites chaos into your life. It can often cause unnecessary stress or even make you feel depressed. Unfortunately, tackling the clutter often seems as an impossible task, especially if you don’t know where or how to start. 

In case you're looking for inspiration, here's my list: 

• Start with yourself - eliminate good riddance to decisions that don't support self-care, self-value and self-worth.

• Emotional life - eliminate stagnant patterns that no longer serve you.

• Relationship to others - do the people in your life give you energy and encourage your personal growth, or block that growth with dysfunctional dynamics, If they don't support you as a loving, open, free, and spontaneous being - Say Goodbye!

• Work - not only reducing the "clutter" of paperwork, inefficiency and overcommunication, but also striving to create a balanced workload and make your work invigorating, inspiring, collaborative and empowering to others.

• Nature and Play - seeing these as expressions of love and opportunities to fill your life with truth and joy.

Enjoy your new De-cluttered Life! :)

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